Early Years Maths

There are six main areas that collectively underpin children’s early mathematical learning, and which provide the firm foundations for the maths that children will encounter as move through primary school.

We develop children’s knowledge, understanding and skills in these areas through carefully planned direct teaching activities and through the playful opportunities we provide in Busy Learning.

More information about these six areas can be found here.

Please click here for a link to an overview of the maths taught in Reception during the Autumn term.

In Reception the children are taught through the NCETM Mastering Number programme.  Please click here to look at an overview of this programme.

Open Classroom – 8.3.22

Thank you to all the parents and grandparents who were able to attend our Open Classroom today. It was lovely to see so many of you here for our morning of learning, for both adults and children!









Here are the workshop slides and handouts.

Open Classroom Presentation – Reception March 2022

What we teach in Reception – March 2022


Here are links to the videos we talked about.

Numberblocks video – How to count

How we teach maths in Reception – A quick guide to the EY curriculum and ideas to support the understanding of Number

Progression of Early Number and Counting