
Subject Leaders:

Laura Howell



Our aim is to teach children to gain an age appropriate understanding of places and environments throughout the world. The children will develop specific geographical skills and ask geographical questions, allowing them to make sense of their own local area and the rest of the world, as well as gaining an appreciation of life in other cultures through their growing knowledge and understanding of human and physical geography.

We aim to make links with other subject areas to further enrich learning and develop a sense of intrigue. Our Geography curriculum aims to inspire children to think about their own place in the world and to develop a sense of responsibility towards the environment and an understanding of the impact humans have on the natural world.



Please follow the link to our Geography Curriculum Overview to see the topics which are taught across the school:

Geography Curriculum Overview


Please follow the link to our Geography Progression Document to see how the National Curriculum Objectives are met throughout the school

Geography Progression Document


In Year 3 and 4 we are currently introducing the Opening Worlds Curriculum. In the academic years 2022-2024 this will continue to be rolled out across the whole of KS2. For more information on the Opening Worlds Curriculum please follow the link below:

Opening Worlds Curriculum


Pupil Voice 2022