Physical Education
Subject Leads: Mrs Claire Burke and Miss Cherish Sibanda
Thorndown pupils will have the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and skills to engage in physical activity for life.
Children will:
- develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
- are physically active for sustained periods of time engage in competitive sports and activities
- develop communication and teamwork to become a fair and honest sportsperson
- lead healthy, active lives
At Thorndown, in order to meet the intentions of our curriculum, it is vitally important that children are exposed to a broad and balanced physical education curriculum. In order to achieve that, we have a long-term curriculum plan that specifies what aspect of sport is being covered. In Foundation Stage, the children are provided with a wide range of activities and opportunities to develop their gross motor skills including Forest School sessions. Key Stage 1 and 2 classes have 2 lessons of PE each week; these include dance, games, gymnastics, swimming and water safety, athletics and outdoor adventurous activities. Our school uses the Cambridgeshire scheme of work which is supplemented by the HSSP units for our PE curriculum planning. Individual teachers adapt these lessons in order to suit their classes’ abilities and circumstances. We seek to create an inclusive learning atmosphere with a diverse curriculum to suit and challenge all individuals.
The main purpose of every sports unit in our PE curriculum is to progressively provide children with the fundamental physical, cognitive and social skills needed to take part in a particular sport.
The purpose of the physical activity units in our PE curriculum will be to provide children with the opportunity to take part in a range of further activities which promote lifelong participation. We feel that competition is a worthy component of some of our activities in school and in life; we therefore encourage the children to participate in competitions in and out of school. We provide a range of extra-curricular activities for children to participate in and to develop their enthusiasm for physical exercise.
The impact of the PE provision will be monitored and evaluated throughout the year through the use of lesson observations, pupil voice, parents’ surveys and staff surveys. By the end of the year, a statement of impact will be produced to inform future planning.
Please click HERE to view the Physical Education Long Term Plan and Progression of Skills
Interested in knowing what makes a Thorndown Sportsperson? Click HERE to find out