School Times & Uniform

School Times

The doors to the classrooms open at 8:40am with registration at 8.55am prompt. The end of the school day is at 3:15pm. This equates to 32.50 hours per week.


School Uniform

We do expect children to follow our school uniform requests.

We use Tesco and Price and Buckland to provide our badged school uniform.

Generic uniform can be purchased from a variety of shops including 2nd hand shops. There is no requirement for uniform to be badged.

The school has blue or red sweatshirts with, or without,  the Thorndown logo. Polo shirts can be white, red or navy. We need the children to come to school neatly dressed in clothes they can manage themselves with suitable black school shoes. 

PE Kit

Thorndown PE kit is a white t-shirt with navy or black shorts. All children need trainers to change into for outdoor PE. In winter, children will need a tracksuit to keep warm during outdoor PE and this should be in dark, plain colours. For safety, please note that tracksuit tops without hoods are preferable. No jewellery should be worn and long hair should be tied back.

T Shirts in your child’s house colours are available from Price and Buckland but can be purchased from other shops.

Name tags

Please ensure that your child’s clothing has their name in it.  Online labels from can be purchased, please use the ID 37630 at checkout and 24% of the purchase will be given back to the school.