The children of Thorndown have each had unique experiences of, and responses to, the events of 2020. This has been a year of significant world events, disrupting and changing the ways of life of people across the globe.
We could think of no better way for the each and every child in our school community to re-connect with each other and re-engage with school life than to explore this heartfelt and thought-provoking book from Oliver Jeffers. This book has provided a powerful vehicle for every child at Thorndown to reflect on and make sense of the world in which we are all living. The words and pictures work together to help children to understand their place in the world and to move forward together in a positive and constructive way.
To celebrate the work of this fantastic book, each year group will be contributing to a whole-school display. We cannot wait to show you the final outcome when it is finished; keep your eyes posted in the next newsletter for a photo!
Miss Broadhurst